Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Amy Wenzel- Workshop Giveaway

I find it interesting that one of the definitions of the word inspire is: divine guidance. Before I even begin my story, I feel that sums it up. To inspire has always meant to me, to act in a way that allows people to see and feel just what it is that you cherish most. What I cherish most is my love for children and all the beauty that they bring to our lives. What you will read next will tie together how the divine guidance in my life not only inspired me, but helped me learn how to inspire others through my experience.
I am inspired by smiling faces and giggles, joy in simplicity, and pure innocence. If you know me (or have had me take pictures for you), it's no secret that I adore children. When I had my first child in 2003, I was not aware of the extent this tiny being would inspire me and change my life forever.
I was so overwhelmed with joy and love for this precious gift from God. Life was good. I dreamed about our future together and all that God had in store for my little boy. These dreams were shattered when we found out that my son had a rare and aggressive form of infantile leukemia, at the age of 3 months. It was every parents worst nightmare, and at the same time a blessing in disguise. We were able to spend 21 months with our little angel before he returned home to God. We made memories to last forever and learned the greatest of life's lessons from our son. He taught us about what true courage is, and what it means to trust with all your heart. He taught us unconditional love and the comfort of hope.
When John Reid passed away, I found myself clinging to the photos I had taken of his time here with us. We had it all in photographs, the good, the bad and the ugly. Looking back, there were days I remember taking the pictures of him and thinking that this is the only way he would remember his victorious battle with cancer someday. Then there were days when I felt like i was taking them for me, so that he could remain fresh in my mind always if we lost him.
It's been 4 years since he passed and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't find myself gazing at his big green eyes and smiling face in these photographs.
Now I am giving back. I decided I wanted to be able to give other families the same thing I hold so dear. I am a photographer in Columbia,SC and do mainly child photography (surprise, surprise, right?). The other way I decided to honor my son is by starting a program at the children's hospital for cancer patients, called "Faces of Hope". I go 4 times a year and do free photo shoots for the amazing little patients and their families. As hard as it is to be back in a hospital and around children who are so sick with cancer, it's helped me heal on a deeper level.
I think of my talent as a gift that my son left me. I want to further develop that and use it in a way to make him proud. Being able to attend Amy's workshop would be a huge step in that direction. It's a step I am ready to take!

You can see and read more about my son and Faces of Hope on my website:
I Heart Faces Photography: ""

1 comment:

  1. So amazing that you are turning tragedy into a triumph by helping and inspiring others! I cannot even imagine the pain you have had to deal with but knowing that you have picked yourself up and are selflessly giving back to others is truly inspiring! Good luck with your entry! Your photos are truly beautiful!
